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Our Vision


     Christian Training Ministries, Inc. is a nondenominational prophetic ministry with an apostolic heart.  We believe in the preaching and teaching of the Bible as the Word of God; the Apostles' Creed; the equality of all in the Church, men and women of all ethnic backgrounds, with no differences in their callings to service; the Ephesians 4:11 ministries of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher as relevant for today; the healing of body, mind, and spirit through Jesus Christ; the vigorous training of all Christians desiring to change the world through the power and love of Jesus Christ.


     The vision of Christian Training Ministries is one of an inclusive spirit that embraces the entire Body of Christ.  We do not support or promote the spirits of exclusivity, rivalry, competition and control that are gripping the Church at large right now to the point of often quenching and grieving the Spirit of God. 


     It is time for the Body of Christ to come together on what matters most;  JESUS!  He is our reason for the season.  He is our all in all.  In Him we live, in Him we move, in Him we have our being.  He is the air we all breathe. 


    God wants to pour out His revival upon the land.  However, His revival will be preceded by REPENTANCE.  True repentance has not yet taken place in the Church at large in the United States of America.  Isn't it time?


     It is time for each of us to examine ourselves before God.  It is time for us to give our all to Him.  Only when we realize that we are nothing without Him can we ever make a difference in this world.  Only when we are dead to the works of the flesh can we reveal the power of the Spirit that is within each of us.  We must decrease that He might increase.  Isn't it time?